“In Grief” in progress.
1. How did thread-on layered-fabric become your primary medium?
I started out as a child experimenting in all mediums but it wasn’t until I became a young mother that I picked up fabric. By building a cloth picture book for my first daughter who was three years old, I honed my skills: it took six years to complete. My passion for this medium spans over four decades and continues, ever deepening, through to the present.
2. Where can I see your work in person?
If you are on my mailing list you’ll be notified about my exhibitions, other events and presentations. Also, periodically check my Events page.
3. What are your inspirations, visuals or otherwise?
My work is researched on-site from actual situations and models. I draw with pencil and craypas on white or colored paper – sometimes on black paper. Also, I photograph usually in black & white. All of these resources allow me to improvise and/or make composites in my final work.
The connections to my subjects are emotional and exciting to me. Often a Hospice group or a nursing home will introduce me to folks I don’t know. Other sources are my family, friends and neighbors.
4. What questions do you ask yourself while you are working?
I actively look at a work in progress to fathom where to proceed, what color, what line, or what texture does it need. Questions to ask include: Does it excite me? Is it uniquely mine, in my voice? Where does it need to go in the world? Is it part of a series? Does it speak my heart?
5. Can I commission a piece?
To start a dialogue, email: deidre@dscherer.com
6. Do you provide technical information concerning the process used in your art?
I use a painterly approach to the medium of fabric and thread. Drawing is the foundation of all my work: not only pencils, but also scissors and sewing machine are drawing tools. My book, Deidre Scherer: Work in Fabric and Thread has a chapter showing the steps of a work in progress. In a video under five minutes, Working With Fabric, gives my basic approach and technique.
7. Do you do workshops, lectures and/or slide shows?
Yes, I love to present slide lectures that give inspiration to other artists, caregivers and health providers as well as to general audiences. My Key Note presentations are often scheduled in conjunction with an exhibition –contact me for details and schedule:
8. What work do you have for sale?
Please go to GALLERIES for my three pages: Thread on Fabric, Paper, and Collaborations; or email me at deidre@dscherer.com; or visit my gallery, Mitchell Giddings Fine Arts at 183 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301, phone: 802.251.8290.
9. Are your images ever used for book covers or illustrations?
Yes, I enjoy seeing my images at work in the world. They have appeared on numerous covers, including periodicals and books such as When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple. Licenses may be granted for selected purposes and reasonable fees. All my images are copyrighted and used only through direct permission from me: deidre@dscherer.com
Visit and browse Books and Prints for printed works directly available through me.